WETT Inspections

Cost of an Inspection is $250.00 for a maintenance inspection (no W.E.T.T. compliance report).

$349.00 for inspection with a W.E.T.T. compliance report or a consultation on new or existing systems.

$369.00 for location requiring added mileage cost.

For additional appliances and Solid fuel inspections reports would be $189.00 each.

To confirm actions done to meet standards (often no charge with pictures) or 189.00 and up, when return visit is required.


Prices can change without notice due to fuel surcharges, remote locations, extended travel time

and other unforeseen situation.


Wood Burning Appliances

What is W.E.T.T.?

Wood Energy Technology Transfer Inc. (WETT Inc.) is a non-profit training and education association managed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by holders of valid WETT certificates. Through its administrative designate, WETT Inc. functions as the national registrar of the WETT program.

Through professional training and public education, WETT Inc. promotes the safe and effective use of wood-burning systems in Canada. 


Looking For More Information?



A good reference for the general public used by us over the years has been the



The information here is limited but meets most needs of DIY projects and people wanting to check the basics before committing to an actual inspection.




"I got Chris Wood Heat Services to do my WETT Inspection for insurance and was glad I did!

He was very helpful and actually saved me some money by showing me a cheaper and safer way to meet the requirements. He's very knowledgeable on anything to do with heating with wood stoves." Rick F.